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Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) secure the power supply by converting the DC voltage from a battery or battery bank to an AC voltage.Nowadays UPS systems face demanding requirements. They must be robust and reliable, and guarantee the best possible line quality. A push for higher energy efficiency at reduced cost rounds off the profile.

Overcoming them requires an increase in output power and power density as well as energy efficiency and reliability. For all UPS power supply applications, high-quality products from Rongtech provide you with solutions targeting the entire power range of UPS applications. Equipped with our close loop current sensor,power semiconductor,metaled film capacitor,power resistor and DC/DC converter,UPS systems can achieve best-possible power conversion efficiency and cutting-edge power density. The benefits: cost reduction and fewer number of passive components – regardless of the topology used. By choosing Rongtech for UPS applications you get solutions that fulfill the latest market requirements.

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